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Yasui Konpiragu Shrine’s Curse Reversal is Scary!? Exploring the Reasons and Frightening Experiences!

Do you know that Yasui Konpiragu Shrine in Kyoto is known for granting wishes easily? It is one of Japan’s top power spots, renowned for its effectiveness in cutting ties, attracting numerous visitors from all over the country throughout history. However, Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is also considered quite dangerous due to its ominous nature and the fact that wishes to cut ties can sometimes result in unexpected misfortunes. There are also rumors of a phenomenon called “curse reversal,” where the wish to cut ties brings misfortune back to oneself. In this article, we will explore the reasons why Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is considered dangerous, how to correctly make a wish to cut ties so it is properly granted, and share some unsettling experiences related to the shrine.

What Kind of Place is Yasui Konpiragu Shrine?

Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is a historic shrine located in Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City. This shrine is widely known for its benefits in cutting ties and forming new bonds, attracting numerous visitors since ancient times.

One of the shrine’s distinctive features is that it enshrines Emperor Sutoku of the Heian period as its main deity. Emperor Sutoku met a tragic end due to political strife and betrayal, and his vengeful spirit was feared to bring calamities to the capital. When he was exiled, he cut off all his desires and secluded himself at Konpiragu Shrine in Sanuki, which led to the belief that the shrine grants prayers for cutting ties.

Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is particularly famous as a power spot for cutting ties. The enshrined Emperor Sutoku is believed to have the power to sever all bad connections that hinder happy relationships. Therefore, it is believed that one can cut not only romantic ties but also ties related to human relationships, illnesses, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and any other bad connections they wish to sever.

Reasons Why Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is Considered Dangerous

Let’s look at why Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is considered dangerous. Yasui Konpiragu Shrine has many differences from other shrines, so caution is required.

Because it Enshrines a Vengeful Spirit

One major difference between Yasui Konpiragu Shrine and other shrines is that it enshrines a vengeful spirit, that of Emperor Sutoku of the Heian period. Emperor Sutoku was defeated in a political struggle within the court and was exiled to Sanuki Province. He longed to return to Kyoto, but his wish was denied, and he fell into despair as his efforts to commemorate war dead were also rejected. In his despair, he declared he would cut all ties with the human world and become the king of the demon world, leading a secluded life at Konpiragu Shrine in Sanuki, which eventually became dilapidated.

Although Emperor Sutoku strongly desired to return to Kyoto, he died eight years later without fulfilling his wish. After his death, calamities and misfortunes struck Kyoto, and people feared it was his curse. To appease his spirit, they built a shrine to enshrine him, which became Yasui Konpiragu Shrine.

Because of Curse Reversal and Misfortune Reversal

It is said that performing a ritual to cut ties at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine can result in curse reversal or misfortune reversal for the person or object targeted. Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is known for its powerful ability to cut and form ties, but because of this power, making malicious wishes can result in “misfortune reversal” or “curse reversal.” For instance, if you wish to cut ties with a boss by praying for their misfortune, that misfortune may come back to you.

At a shrine with as much power as Yasui Konpiragu Shrine, the effect of “curse reversal” can be so strong that the person making the wish may suffer significant misfortune. Therefore, when making wishes at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine, you should not wish for someone else’s misfortune but rather focus on cutting bad connections and receiving good ones for your happiness.

You don’t need to wish for someone else’s misfortune. It is important to cut bad connections for your happiness. Keep in mind that praying at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is about brightening your future.

Because it Can Cut Ties with the Person You Visit With

The tie-cutting power of Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is immense. Therefore, it can also affect the ties with the person you visit the shrine with. Special caution is needed if you visit Yasui Konpiragu Shrine with a close friend, lover, or spouse. Decide what kind of wish you want to make in advance and avoid visiting Yasui Konpiragu Shrine with a half-hearted attitude.

That said, Yasui Konpiragu Shrine only cuts “bad ties.” If you truly have a good relationship with the person, there is no need to fear visiting the shrine together after careful preparation. If your ties with the person you visited with are severed in any way, it means that person was a bad connection for you.

Because it Accumulates Negative Emotions from People

Since many visitors come to Yasui Konpiragu Shrine to wish for cutting ties, the shrine grounds are filled with negative emotions. This influx of strong negative energy can make visitors feel down or exhausted.

Particularly, those who dislike crowded places or those with strong spiritual sensitivity may easily absorb the negative emotions and energy around them. Therefore, it is better for such people to avoid places like Yasui Konpiragu Shrine, which easily accumulates negative emotions.

When visiting Yasui Konpiragu Shrine, consider your physical and mental state and make sure to visit without overexerting yourself.

How to Make a Proper Wish at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine

(Image Citation: 安井金毘羅宮公式HP)

As we have seen, visiting Yasui Konpiragu Shrine with a half-hearted attitude can lead to unexpected outcomes. It’s essential to be well-prepared and understand the proper way to make a wish before visiting. Here, we will introduce the correct method of making a wish at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine.

The method of making a wish at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is unique, and by following the steps below, you can make an effective wish. Here is the specific process:

1. Worship at the Main Hall

First, head to the main hall and perform a worship. Here, express your gratitude to the deities and ask for your wish to be fulfilled.

2. Write Your Wish on a Katashiro (Substitute Talisman)

Next, obtain a katashiro, a substitute talisman. Write your wish, the ties you want to cut, or the ties you want to form on the katashiro. Writing a specific wish will embed it into the katashiro. As mentioned earlier, being specific is crucial. To avoid curse reversal or misfortune reversal, write in detail how you want your wish to be fulfilled.For example, if you are troubled by human relationships at work and want to be liberated from them, write, “May this issue be resolved in a way that ensures the mental and physical well-being of myself and those around me.” This way, you won’t inadvertently cause harm to the health of the person troubling you.Similarly, if you are a woman suffering from menstrual pain, write, “May my menstrual pain be resolved in a way that ensures my mental and physical well-being.” In the past, a woman who wished to cut ties with menstrual pain ended up having her uterus removed. Therefore, always pray for the realization of your wishes in a way that ensures the mental and physical well-being of yourself and those around you.

3. Pass Through the “Enkiri Enmusubi Stone” with the Katashiro

While holding the katashiro with your wish written on it, pass through the “Enkiri Enmusubi Stone.” This stone is believed to have the power to cut bad ties and form good ones. Passing through the stone is believed to deliver your wish to the deities.

4. Affix the Katashiro to the “Enkiri Enmusubi Stone”

Finally, affix the katashiro to the “Enkiri Enmusubi Stone.” By doing so, your wish is entrusted to the deities, and it is said that bad ties will be cut, and good ties will be formed. After completing this ritual, silently pray once more and then leave the shrine.

By following these steps, you can make an effective and considerate wish at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine.

Frightening Experiences at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine

Finally, let’s look at some real-life experiences that highlight why Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is considered dangerous. These stories involve unexpected and terrifying instances of curse reversal and misfortune reversal. Here are three anonymous accounts gathered through a survey conducted by the author. All names are pseudonyms.

Experience 1: Takahashi’s Story

Mr. Takahashi (a pseudonym) had been struggling with his long-term relationship with Mr. Yamamoto (a pseudonym). Mr. Yamamoto was unfaithful and had a habit of reckless spending, which caused Mr. Takahashi a great deal of stress. Despite multiple attempts to mend the relationship, Mr. Yamamoto’s behavior did not change. Finally, Mr. Takahashi decided to cut ties with Mr. Yamamoto and visited Yasui Konpiragu Shrine.

At Yasui Konpiragu Shrine, Mr. Takahashi performed the tie-cutting ritual, sincerely wishing to end his relationship with Mr. Yamamoto. After the ritual, Mr. Takahashi felt a slight sense of relief.

However, a few days later, Mr. Takahashi experienced an unexpected way of severing ties with Mr. Yamamoto. Mr. Yamamoto suddenly got involved in a workplace dispute, and it was revealed that he had a history of sexual harassment, leading to his dismissal. As a result, his financial situation rapidly deteriorated, and he ended up in debt.

This experience demonstrates the potent and sometimes unforeseen consequences of making a wish at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine.

Experience 2: Ono’s Story

Mr. Ono (a pseudonym) was struggling with relationships at his workplace. He suffered daily from harassment by his boss and backbiting from his colleagues, leaving him physically and mentally exhausted. Although Mr. Ono considered quitting his job, he couldn’t afford to do so due to financial constraints, deepening his distress. Ultimately, Mr. Ono decided to visit Yasui Konpiragu Shrine to cut off the harmful relationships affecting him.

At Yasui Konpiragu Shrine, Mr. Ono performed the tie-cutting ritual, sincerely wishing to end the harmful relationships at his workplace. After the ritual, he felt a slight sense of relief.

However, a few days later, an unexpected event occurred at his workplace. Mr. Ono’s boss was suddenly dismissed due to the revelation of fraudulent activities. Although there had been rumors about the boss’s misconduct, no one had any evidence to act on it. With the boss’s dismissal, the harassment towards Mr. Ono naturally ended as well.

This experience illustrates the potent and sometimes surprising outcomes of making a wish at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine.

Experience 3: Tanaka’s Story

Ms. Tanaka (a pseudonym) had long harbored secret feelings for Mr. Suzuki (a pseudonym), her best friend’s boyfriend. Mr. Suzuki was kind and charming, the ideal man in Ms. Tanaka’s eyes. However, Mr. Suzuki was in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend, which frustrated Ms. Tanaka to no end. She developed a strong desire to make Mr. Suzuki her boyfriend.

One day, Ms. Tanaka heard from a friend about the deity of tie-cutting at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine and decided to seek its power. With a heartfelt wish, she prayed, “I want to sever the ties between Mr. Suzuki and his girlfriend. I want her out of the picture so I can be with Mr. Suzuki,” as she performed the tie-cutting ritual at the shrine. After the ritual, Ms. Tanaka felt somewhat relieved and believed that her wish would come true as she headed home.

A few days later, Ms. Tanaka received shocking news. Mr. Suzuki’s girlfriend had died in a car accident. The accident happened suddenly, and she was pronounced dead at the scene. Mr. Suzuki was deeply saddened by the news. Ms. Tanaka was overcome with surprise and guilt, but somewhere in her heart, she felt a sense of relief that her wish had come true.

After the funeral, Mr. Suzuki found himself alone, confronting his grief. Ms. Tanaka approached him, offering words of comfort. In his sorrow, Mr. Suzuki gradually opened his heart to Ms. Tanaka’s kindness, and the distance between them quickly diminished. Eventually, Mr. Suzuki and Ms. Tanaka began dating.

However, as time passed, Ms. Tanaka started to feel increasingly powerless in the face of Mr. Suzuki’s grief. His emotional wounds were deep, and no matter how much she tried to support him, those wounds never healed. Mr. Suzuki was constantly haunted by memories of his late girlfriend, rendering him unable to function in daily life. Their relationship became strained, and Mr. Suzuki’s heart was filled with an ever-present sense of emptiness and regret.

This experience shows the unexpected and often distressing consequences of wishes made at Yasui Konpiragu Shrine, highlighting the importance of careful consideration and responsibility when making such wishes.


How was it? In this article, we explored the reasons why Yasui Konpiragu Shrine is considered dangerous. Known for enshrining a vengeful spirit and possessing the power to sever ties, Yasui Konpiragu Shrine has garnered a reputation as a “dangerous” place among many people. The potential to sever ties with those who visit together, the accumulation of negative emotions from visitors, and the risk of curse reversal are all intertwined factors contributing to this reputation. Despite these risks, people seeking major changes in their lives visit this shrine, hoping to alter their destinies. Visiting Yasui Konpiragu Shrine requires considerable determination and tests one’s inner strength.

Our website also features various articles on Japan’s fascinating history and culture beyond Yasui Konpiragu Shrine. If you’re interested, we would be delighted if you read our other articles as well!

