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What is Suzumushi Temple, Where Any Wish Can Come True? Introducing How to Make a Wish to the Tekuteku Jizo and Important Points to Note

Have you heard of Suzumushi Temple? This temple, located in Kyoto, is famous for its reputation of granting “one wish of any kind.” This reputation attracts visitors from all over Japan every year, with many reports of wishes actually coming true. At Suzumushi Temple, you make your wish to the “Tekuteku Jizo,” who is said to come to your house to grant your wish. To make your wish come true, it is important to pray to the Tekuteku Jizo in the correct manner. In this guide, we will introduce the proper way and important points to keep in mind when making a wish at Suzumushi Temple!

Overview of Suzumushi Temple

Suzumushi Temple, renowned for its reputation of granting any wish, is located in Arashiyama, Kyoto. It is a popular temple visited by numerous tourists throughout the year. The temple’s name derives from the fact that you can enjoy the sounds of bell crickets throughout the year within its precincts. Although its official name is Myotokuzan Kegonji, it is commonly known as “Suzumushi Temple” because you can spend time quietly calming your mind amidst the continuous sound of bell crickets.

Suzumushi Temple was founded in the mid-Edo period, and there is a legend that the head priest at the time attained enlightenment upon hearing the chirping of bell crickets. The temple has long been involved in the breeding of bell crickets, allowing visitors to enjoy the natural beauty of each season and the sound of the crickets.

Suzumushi Temple is particularly famous for wish fulfillment, attracting visitors from all over the country who seek its reputed effectiveness. It is especially well-known for granting love-related wishes, making it very popular among women.

Tekuteku Jizo at Suzumushi Temple

(Image Citation: 瓢斗)

One of the most famous features of Suzumushi Temple is the “Tekuteku Jizo.” This Jizo statue is said to walk to fulfill wishes, hence the name “Tekuteku Jizo.” Unlike ordinary Jizo statues, this one wears straw sandals, which is the origin of the legend that it will walk to your home to grant your wish. The belief is that when you make a wish in front of this Jizo, it will come to your home to fulfill it. Many people visit and pray to the Tekuteku Jizo, hoping that their wishes will come true through this unique tradition.

How to Make a Wish at Suzumushi Temple

Now, let’s look at the specific method for making a wish at Suzumushi Temple. This unique process is specific to Suzumushi Temple, so be sure to follow these steps carefully.

Registering at Suzumushi Temple

Upon arrival, first, climb the stone steps and pass through the gate to reach the reception area. Here, you will need to pay the admission fee. The fee is 500 yen for adults and 300 yen for children up to junior high school age. The visiting hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with the last entry at 4:30 PM.

Listening to the Sermon at Suzumushi Temple

One of the highlights of visiting Suzumushi Temple is the popular sermons given by the monks. Although the starting times may vary slightly, each sermon typically lasts about 30 minutes. While the word “sermon” might evoke a sense of difficulty, the monks at Suzumushi Temple incorporate humor into their talks, making the time fly by. After listening to the sermon, you will feel refreshed and enlightened, as the talks are both informative and uplifting. Additionally, there is a tea sweet prepared for each visitor on the tables in the room, which you can take home with you.

Purchasing the Happiness Amulet at Suzumushi Temple

After listening to the sermon, you can purchase a “Happiness Amulet.” The price of the amulet is 300 yen each. While the basic rule is one amulet per person, you can purchase multiple amulets if you wish to buy them for family or friends by informing the staff. The amulet contains a depiction of the Jizo, with the character “幸” (happiness) positioned over the Jizo’s face as part of the design.

Praying in Front of the Jizo

(Image Citation: アラフィフ主婦がゆるく生きるブログ)

When making a wish to the Tekuteku Jizo at Suzumushi Temple, it is said that the effect is enhanced by holding the Happiness Amulet while praying. Here’s the specific method:

  1. Stand in front of the Tekuteku Jizo.
  2. Hold the Happiness Amulet between both hands.
  3. Ensure that the character “幸” (happiness) on the amulet is visible while you hold it.

This method is believed to increase the likelihood of your wish coming true.

Notes on Making Wishes at Suzumushi Temple

Here are some important points to keep in mind when making a wish at Suzumushi Temple. Not all wishes will come true, so it’s important to be mindful of the following guidelines.

Only One Wish Per Visit

The Tekuteku Jizo is a deity that grants one wish at a time. Therefore, avoid making multiple wishes in one visit. If you have several wishes, you should visit the temple again after each wish is fulfilled. This practice is believed to increase the likelihood of your wishes coming true.

Consider the Waiting Time

Suzumushi Temple is very popular, so be prepared for potential waiting times, especially during peak tourist seasons like Golden Week. Waiting times can exceed three hours. It’s important to plan your visit with plenty of time. On the other hand, June is relatively less crowded, making it a good time to visit for a more relaxed experience.

Be Specific with Your Wish

When making a wish, it’s crucial to be as specific as possible. Instead of vague wishes like “make me happy,” think in detail about “who” and “how.” Praying with specific and detailed hopes or goals in mind will make it easier for your wish to come true.

Do Not Wish for Others’ Misfortune

It is discouraged to wish for the misfortune or harm of others. Instead, wish for the happiness of yourself and others. Achieving happiness through others’ misfortune is not true happiness. It might bring temporary satisfaction, but it could lead to guilt or retaliation. Wish for situations where everyone involved can be happy.

Provide Accurate Address and Name

The Tekuteku Jizo is believed to walk to your home to grant your wish, so it’s important to provide your address and name accurately. Instead of a vague address like “City, Prefecture,” include details such as the town, street number, and apartment number. Your full name, not just your first or last name, should also be provided accurately.

Face the Temple’s Direction for Distant Wishes

If you cannot visit Suzumushi Temple in person, it is recommended to face the direction of the temple when making a wish from afar. This will help the Tekuteku Jizo hear your wish more clearly.

Return for Gratitude Visit if Your Wish Comes True

If your wish is fulfilled, visit the temple again to express your gratitude and return the amulet. There are two ways to return the amulet: directly at the temple or by mail. For direct return, there are return boxes at the reception and near the entrance where you take off your shoes. Make sure to offer your thanks in front of the deity when you return the amulet.

Access to Suzumushi Temple

Suzumushi Temple is located in the Arashiyama area of Kyoto City. Here are the access details:

By Train:

  • From JR Sagano Line “Saga-Arashiyama Station,” it’s about a 20-minute walk.
  • Alternatively, from Hankyu Arashiyama Line “Arashiyama Station,” it’s about a 10-minute taxi ride.

By Bus:

  • Get off at the Kyoto City Bus stop “Suzumushi-dera-mae,” and the temple is right there.

By Car:

  • There are paid parking lots nearby, but they can be crowded during the tourist season. It is recommended to use public transportation.

When planning your visit, it is advisable to check traffic and congestion conditions in advance and plan with enough time.


Suzumushi Temple is famous for its beautiful natural environment, the sounds of bell crickets, and the Tekuteku Jizo, which is said to grant wishes. When visiting, you should first register at the reception, listen to the sermon, purchase a happiness amulet, and then make a specific wish to the Tekuteku Jizo for your wish to potentially come true. It is important to follow the guidelines and pray in the correct manner when making a wish.

Suzumushi Temple is particularly renowned for fulfilling love-related wishes, attracting many female visitors. If your wish is granted, do not forget to return for a gratitude visit and return the amulet. When you visit Arashiyama in Kyoto, be sure to visit Suzumushi Temple to experience this special tradition.

