
What is the True Nature of Zashiki Warashi? Introducing the Characteristics of the Houses and People Who Can See Them

Do you know about Zashiki Warashi? Among Japanese yokai, they are considered one of the three great yokai of Japan, alongside Kappa and Tengu, and appear in various legends. They are also said to be spirits or guardian deities. However, it is said that some people can see Zashiki Warashi while others cannot. What kind of yokai are Zashiki Warashi? This time, we will introduce Zashiki Warashi, which has been handed down in Japan since ancient times.

The True Nature of Zashiki Warashi

Zashiki Warashi is a yokai that has been handed down in the Tohoku region, especially in Iwate Prefecture, and appears as a child around the age of five. They live in rooms or storage areas and are said to bring good fortune to those who see them and immense wealth to the houses where they appear. For men, they are believed to bring success in studies and work, while for women, they are said to bring good marriages or blessings of children. Due to such benefits, Zashiki Warashi are also considered spirits or guardian deities. Since Zashiki Warashi are children, they love to play pranks. They may move or hide things in the house, open and close doors on their own, or play with the pillows of sleeping people, sometimes even sitting on top of them.

There are various interpretations of the true nature of Zashiki Warashi. One view suggests that Zashiki Warashi are the spirits of children who were crushed and buried inside the house. It is said that in the past, due to famine and extreme poverty in the Tohoku region, there was a practice called “usugoro” where children were killed by being placed under a stone mill and then buried not in graves but in the earthen floors or kitchens of homes. Many babies and children who died from such infanticide are said to have become ghosts, fulfilling the role of guardian spirits of the family as Zashiki Warashi, bringing happiness and prosperity to the household.

Another interpretation suggests that the true identity of Zashiki Warashi might be Kappa. According to this theory, Kappa from nearby rivers would sneak into houses and settle there, becoming Zashiki Warashi. Since Kappa also look like children, it is believed that Zashiki Warashi might actually be Kappa.

Characteristics of People Who Can See Zashiki Warashi

So, what kind of people can see Zashiki Warashi?


It is often said that children are more likely to see Zashiki Warashi. Since Zashiki Warashi themselves are children, they want playmates. Therefore, they are believed to appear in front of children of a similar age to play with them.

People with Pure Hearts

Even if you are not a child, it is said that if you have a pure heart, you can encounter Zashiki Warashi. Children are the most likely to have pure hearts, so they often have the opportunity to encounter them, but there are also reports of adults encountering them. Since Zashiki Warashi are ghosts, they have a high spiritual frequency. If you have a pure heart, your spiritual frequency becomes higher, increasing the likelihood of an encounter.

People with Strong Spiritual Sensitivity

Since Zashiki Warashi are also ghosts, people with strong spiritual sensitivity are more likely to notice their presence. Spiritual sensitivity is innate, so if your parents have seen Zashiki Warashi, there is a high chance that you can see them too.

Characteristics of Houses Where Zashiki Warashi Appear

So, what kind of houses do Zashiki Warashi appear in? Here are some characteristics:

Old Houses and Inns

Zashiki Warashi are often seen in old houses and inns. On the other hand, they rarely appear in newly built houses. This is because Zashiki Warashi tend to settle in a house they like for many years.

Clean and Well-Organized Environment

Even if the house or inn is old, Zashiki Warashi are said to prefer a clean and well-organized environment. Since they are looking for a place to settle, they seek out clean houses.

Families with Good Relationships

The family environment is important. Zashiki Warashi prefer houses filled with positive energy and good family relationships. They are attracted to homes where the family gathers around the dining table and spends time together harmoniously. Conversely, they do not settle in homes filled with constant arguments and negative energy.

How to Invite Zashiki Warashi to Your Home

So, what should you do if you want to invite Zashiki Warashi to your home? Here are some methods:

Place a Gold Ball Under the Floor

The most famous method is to bury a gold ball under the floor of your house. In some regions, such as Aomori Prefecture, it is said that people bury gold balls when building a new house to invite Zashiki Warashi. Another method involves burying wooden dolls modeled after Zashiki Warashi. Even if you can’t actually bury something under the floor, placing it on the floor might also be effective.

Leave Out Their Favorite Foods

It is said that leaving out Zashiki Warashi’s favorite foods can attract them. Their favorites include azuki beans, red rice, sweets, and salted rice crackers. If you offer these foods in your home and find them slightly diminished after a while, it might mean that Zashiki Warashi has come and taken them.


How was it? We introduced the true nature of Zashiki Warashi, the people who can see them, the houses where they reside, and ways to summon them. If you want to capture good luck, you surely want to encounter a Zashiki Warashi. It might be worth trying the methods we introduced.

In addition to Zashiki Warashi, there are many other yokai in Japan. If you’re interested, please read our other articles as well, as they are quite fascinating!

